I can sleep for maybe of 20 mins in the hour. I had the minimal invasive op where they leave your breastbone intact, but my side is a little sore tonight, so I'm passing the time as the hippos belch and fart scribbling a few words. Most of these guys had the full cut, carve and rewire the chest job, despite the morphine many are in agony, some turning down pain relief, what the hell is that about?
Cardiac wards have their own smell, I reek of it. Phlegm from your lungs I think and gastric gas. Not nice it smells of death and defeat.
Outside the birds are now singing tomorrow is already another day, with any luck I'm heading home, remodelled, serviced and with the potential for many more miles on the clock. Most of my fellow travellers will be here a few days yet. My scars will heal, it is worth it. My valve was scanned today it is back to full function. Enock Akowuah is a master craftsman. Thanks to everyone who kept me grinning the last few days. Stay Healthy, It has been an experience. Here is to sleeping through once more.
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